Hello Lovelies-
Well, I hope this weekend found you all well and in good spirits. I was busy as usual, but before I get into all that, I want to thank my friend Valerie over at the wonderful Cabin and Cub blog for giving me the Blog Friends Award, which is described thus: "These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement." Wow, I've never been called "non-self-aggrandizing" before! Very sweet. Thank you Valerie!
Moving on, I have been working like a mad-woman to get my inventory ready for the Old Port Festival this coming Sunday. This will be my first fair so I'm nervous and excited! I think I've thought of everything... hahaha. I will take some pics of the booth and put them up next week.
Despite being busy, I have put up three new art photos in the shops, they're more architectural than my work usually is, but I still went for the darkness that I think we all love at this point. They are entitled: Fried Clams, Green Dragon, and Seahorse Palace:

Oh! And haven't I found the most wonderful artist on Etsy recently! The shop is called Vintage Dreams and he's not lying... I don't know where to start with the amount of awesome this shop is, the pieces aren't cheap (because they're one of a kind art pieces), but I think they're beautiful. That Seeing Eye Camera is funny and strange and dark and so of course... I'm coveting it.

Let's finish her up with a news story, and you know it's going to be a doozy. Did you read about the squirrel that lives in a tree near a military cemetery at Port Huron, MI? Yeah, he's been making a nest out of American flags that people put on veterans' graves for awhile now. "How did anyone figure this out?" You ask. Well, the flags were being yanked off at the sticks and cemetery workers thought it was an act of vandalism... until they saw the squirrel take a flag off and carry it up to its nest. Seriously? Strange and sort of cute...
Until next time: unpleasant dreams!