I hope you are all doing well out there. I just got back from a lovely three day weekend in the woods with friends. It's an annual tradition, and each year we have more fun. The high points included; capsizing a canoe (yes, that's me immediately after), catching a fish, seeing 2 huge water snakes, finding an old dump full of old glass bottles and tons of laughs. So much fun. Here are some hi-light shots from the trip; you can see more at my Flickr stream here.

While we're on the topic of the outdoors, I have discovered a wonderful photographer whose on-location shoots are amazing: Eliot Lee Hazel. Heard of him? His work is haunting and otherworldly, despite being very simple and stark, which says a lot regarding his ability. My favorite series is the Poppy Field Gang (I even like the name, some samples are shown below.) Peruse the work, it's inspiring.

While we're on the topic of the great outdoors, do you guys like incense? I grew up with it and I love how it makes my house smell. I have been looking for cedar incense for years. (It was really easy to find when I lived out in Oregon.) Well, imagine my surprise when I found Paine's Red Cedar Incense made right here in Auburn, Maine! It's wonderful and real smelling and not overpowering at all. Do yourself a favor if you love incense, and get some and try it. They even sell little log cabins you can burn it in so it looks like there's a fire inside! Cute!

Let's wrap up our outdoor theme with this picture below. What the?! Yes. Apparently, a resourceful inventor back in the early 1900's, felt that both the eyes and the nose should be protected from the sun while out in the summertime. So, here you have a "Nose and Eye Sheath." I imagine you'd look like a reverse raccoon if you ever burned around this thing, not to mention like an idiot whilst actually wearing it. Yikes. No thanks.

Until next time; unpleasant dreams...