I hope you are all well out there. So much to tell you, I may not fit it all in. Or, it will be a big post. Big post? Okay.
First off, business stuff. The 12 Sales of Christmas are going splendidly! We're 4 sales in and there are more to come, so 'like' the page and play along!
Also, for you local followers, I am having a Holiday Portrait Session this Sunday with music and egg nog and vintage decorations to use as props! The details are below, so email if you want to reserve a slot, or pass it along!
I went home to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family and it was amazing. A lot of great food, a ton of laughs and I even got a shoot in, which I'll share with you shortly. Here are some pics and you can see the rest on my Flickr page here.
While I was out and about, I did some shopping and I picked up some records for my collection, including some pretty hard to find Martin Denny exotica albums that I've been searching for for awhile now. I've already listened to them each several times!
And speaking of music, I just picked up the She & Him Christmas album and I am loving it so far. I usually pick up a couple of new albums a year, usually vintage stuff because new Christmas music (post 70's) is lame for the most part. But, not this album and the cover is amazing. The photo? The colors? The font? Perfection.
And you may remember my post that mentioned the piece I bought by artist Derek Yaniger recently? Well, it arrived over the weekend and it's bigger and more beautiful than I imagined! It even smelled like permanent marker, so I know it's original! Take a look (the photo doesn't do it justice.)
With some vacation time, comes time to curl up with a good book and enjoy that time off. What have I been reading lately? you ask? I have been reading The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern and I love it so far. A ton of people recommended it before a friend finally lent it to me. I won't spoil anything in case you plan to read it yourself, suffice it to say, you will be sucked right in. Let me know what you think if you've read it or plan to!
Well, that about does it for me, Lovelies.
Until next time: unpleasant dreams...