Sunday, February 8, 2009

Maiden Voyage

Welcome my Lovelies! 
Like the Titanic and so many other luxurious (and in some cases ill-fated) undertakings, I am taking my maiden voyage. With a sense of humor and a little luck I may entertain you dear readers. More importantly, I'll give you a peek into my world, into The Stapelia Company, into my art and into my random musings which may be the best part of this deal gang because I believe life is a comedy and I have front row seats. No, this isn't some self-esteem seminar, I'm talking about taking those little things you see and hear in everyday life that make you think: "Huh?! What?!" or "Wow! That's cool!" or "Huh...that's not right" and putting a funny spin on them or incorporating them into my art and passing these gems along to you.

Take for example this mask I have in my studio for some reason:

Yes folks, that's the same mask because it's reversible. Now why would you give a child, who can barely see through the eye-holes, the option to flip the mask around and then wander out into traffic on Halloween? And why were these mass-produced? We don't know. And this is just the first of many things I'll be pondering and sharing. 

Until next time... (in the words of the inimitable Elvira Mistress of the Dark) unpleasant...dreams.


Piggy said...

OMG! That mask is so cute :) Very pretty! Love your profile picture.. nice one :) Great blog!

SheAteAWholePie said...

Loving it! Keep 'em coming!

Belua Designs said...

Great Blog! and I love your banner, it's very, very cool. I think that mask would give me a nightmare or 2 if it was watching me in my studio :)

Sheikasaurus Rex said...

I saw those masks when I was little! I wanted one so badly but I think my mom was creeped out by them. Hahaha, great post. :)