Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Cleaning...

Hello Lovelies~

I hope you are all doing well out there! I am happy to announce that my blog has gotten a facelift this past week. It's fresh, clean and matches all of my other sites, finally. It is also more informative. Check out the About Me and Studio tabs to learn more about my work, my studio and the services that I offer. Lastly, my Contact page gives you several ways to reach me, and please feel free to reach out at any time. I love emails, letters, phone calls, new ideas and new clients. I hope you like the new me!

This past weekend was Easter as you all know and we had some blustery weather up here in Maine! In fact, we took the nieces and nephew out for the egg hunt and I believe I saw some snowflakes. Bizarre. But, the babies had a good time hunting and eating candy and fighting over eggs, so I guess Easter was a success, all-in-all.

I also baked some fun spring cupcakes and put some jelly bean flowers on them and sprinkles. I was in the mood for baking and cupcakes are my favorite thing to make and decorate. They made the house smell delicious.

I came across a very interesting art/literary magazine recently that I wanted to pass along to you Readers. Meatpaper. Heard of it? It's literally a magazine about meat, and eating it and the culture and history of consuming meat all over the world. I was initially a bit confused. I mean, how can an entire magazine be dedicated to meat? But, it's fascinating. They also take reader submissions and short stories, so there's a sense of community interaction that you'd expect from a website, but not a printed magazine in this day and age. Not for everyone, but still interesting. Pick up a copy if you see it.

And speaking of fascinating, have you seen the paper sculpture of artist Megan Brain??? Wow. That's all I can really say about her work. She takes the everyday medium of paper to a whole new level. Her works have personality and life and I love them all (especially those goat puppets down there, inspired by The Sound of Music.) Very neat.

And let's wrap up with a funny photo I found... this is unbelievable. Death by mountain rats? Really, people?! Is this real life? I mean, I know life was harder back in the 1800's, but that is borderline and/or full-on ridiculous... What do you guys think? Crazy, right?

Until next time: unpleasant dreams...

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