Monday, August 6, 2012

Diamonds (When on a Handsome Man) Are a Girl's Best Friend...

Hello Lovelies~

I hope you are all doing well out there today! I have a ton to share as usual, mostly Stag related. To start, I just completed all of my packaging and promotional material for Stag! The packaging stamps came in and they look great, take a peek:

And I designed some promo pieces that show some Stag items available in the store, and the kind of look you can get with said items if you're smart enough to pounce on them! Ha. A big thank you to John, my Stag man, for putting on all those hot clothes in my un-air conditioned studio like a trooper. Here are some of the promo pieces, the rest can be seen here.

What else? Oh, I found some great artwork that I wanted to share with you. P-Jay Fidler's work is kinda awesome you guys. The bright colors and panoramic scenes remind me of Camilla Rose Garcia's work and the pop culture references have a definite low brow art feel. I look at his work and it feels familiar and also very bizarre. Take a look:

My actual full-time job is designing greeting cards. (Yeah, it's a strange job but somebody has to do it.) So I got a kick out of these old cards I saw on one of my favorite blogs: And Everything Else Too. I think that cat is just great and the bunny card came with cigarettes is a fun gag. I actually have some of those novelty cigs for a little figurine from the 40's I got from my grandparents many years ago. You light the little tip and it puffs out smoke rings by itself! Fun stuff.

And speaking of blogs, I found a new one this week I wanted to share with all of you folks who love vintage advertising (I'm hoping that's most of you): Retroarama. It's daily vintage eye candy and not a lot of these ads have made the rounds. I know I'm seeing some new ones. It's a great source of inspiration for me, I know that. Enjoy!

I have a really exciting project I'm shooting this coming weekend, so hold your breath anxiously for that to drop and until then, there's this:

...because the family that paints together, stays together. What the?! 
 Until next time: unpleasant dreams...

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